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Honey is one of nature's premier superfoods. Not only does honey taste good in tea, yogurt, baked goods etc. but it has been a staple anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory since ancient times. Even modern practitioners swear by its miraculous healing properties. 


There is more to raw honey than what meets the eye, mainly because of the multiple health benefits it can offer, such as:


Potentially treating coughs: The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes that raw honey can act as a demulcent, or a substance that helps relieve irritation in the mouth or throat by forming a protective film. Raw honey can also serve as a remedy for sleep difficulties caused by these infections.


•Helping with wound treatment: Raw honey has antibacterial, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties.


•Delivering an energy boost: You can use raw honey to help provide a quick pre- or post-workout energy boost.


•Assisting with free radical elimination: Antioxidants called phenolic compounds are present in honey, which help protect the body from free radical-initiated cell damage.


•Helping decrease allergy symptoms: More often than not, locally produced honey may contain pollen spores picked up by bees from local plants. Consuming locally produced raw honey is highly ideal because it can allow the honey to boost the body’s health and resistance against certain allergens.


•Serving as a remedy against herpes wounds: Good-quality raw honey can offer benefits against herpes sores by drawing fluid away from the wound. Raw honey’s high sugar content can suppress microorganism growth too. Worker bees secrete an enzyme called glucose oxidase into the nectar. When the honey comes into contact with the wound, the enzyme then releases low levels of hydrogen peroxide.


A staple in some beauty products, raw honey can also provide these cosmetic benefits:


Act as a humectant: A humectant is able to attract and retain moisture, which is why raw honey is added to moisturizers, shampoos and conditioners.


Combat acne: Aside from drawing moisture to the skin, raw honey can be helpful for people with acne since it can attack the source of breakouts.


Help lighten dark circles: A spoonful of honey can assist with fading dark circles and alleviating under-eye swelling.


Helps heal cuticle damage: Damaged cuticles can lead to fungal and bacterial infection. A mixture of raw honey and apple cider vinegar can help reverse this condition.


Assist with improving scalp condition: Applying raw honey diluted in warm water to your scalp can help in significantly improving seborrheic dermatitis, a condition that triggers dandruff and itching.


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