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Moringa Oleifera is commonly referred to as a ‘Miracle tree’. Literally, it’s believed to be a super herb that contains a full range of properties that promote overall well-being. The herb is known to boost energy levels, strengthen the immune system, improve mood, support good digestion and lower blood pressure.  


Organic Moringa leaves contain several thousand times more of the powerful anti-aging nutrient ZEATIN than any known plant. Zeatin has the ability to induce cell division and growth, and delay cell aging. These products are great for people who need a boost in their nutrition. Dried Moringa leaves contains gram for gram: 10 times the Vitamin A of Carrots ½ times the Vitamin C of Oranges 17 times the Calcium of Milk 15 times the Potassium of Bananas 25 times the Iron of Spinach 9 times the Protein of Yoghurt 12 times the Vitamin E of Almonds Traditionally these are the foods where you think you get the MOST bang for your buck, but instead, this supplement crushed the numbers in every category.


In one serving of Moringa Oleifera leaves, you can find: 22% daily value of Vitamin C 41% daily value of Potassium 61% daily value of Magnesium 71% daily value of Iron 125% daily value of Calcium 272% daily value of Vitamin A And: 92 Nutrients 46 Antioxidants 36 Anti-Inflammatories 18 Amino Acids, 9 Essential Amino Acids Moringa Oleifera superfood is a complete health product that will not only provide you with the vitamins you need, but also improve your overall health as well.


​Moringa seeds are obtained from the pods of the Moringa plant. There are many moringa seeds benefits that you should know. Improves Sleep, High in Fiber, Regulate Blood Sugar Levels, Great Source of Iron, Reduces Joint Pain, Lowers Cholesterol, Induces Death of Cancer, Promotes Heart Health
Powerhouse of Antioxidants, Promotes Healthy.


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