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  • What are the benefits of organic honey?




  • Why should I buy local honey?




  • What’s the difference between filtered and unfiltered honey?




  • Where does Golden Magic Industries honey come from?



  • Are Golden Magic Industries products pure and natural honey?



  • Are all Golden Magic Industries products made in the Jamaica?



  • Does Golden Magic Industries produce an organic honey?



  • Does honey contain healthful antioxidants?


    Does honey contain any allergens?

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  • Does honey contain trans fatty acids?




  • Is your honey Kosher?



  • Is honey a gluten-free food?



  • Is honey safe in a diabetic diet?



  • Does honey contain sodium?


    Does honey contain fat or cholesterol?

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    How many calories are in honey?

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    One tablespoon of honey contains 60 calories.


  • Is honey pasteurized?


    No. Honey is, by nature, very low in bacteria and other microbes and does not benefit from a pasteurization process.

  • How do I substitute honey for sugar?


    When substituting honey for granulated sugar in recipes, begin by substituting honey for up to half of the sugar called for in the recipe. For baked goods, make sure to reduce the oven temperature by 25°F to prevent overbrowning; reduce any liquid called for by 1/4 cup for each cup of honey used and add 1/2 teaspoon baking soda for each cup of honey used. Because of its naturally high fructose content, honey has higher sweetening power than sugar. This means you can use less honey than sugar to achieve the desired sweetness.


  • Why shouldn’t I feed honey to a child under 1 year old?


    WARNING: Do not feed honey to infants under 1 year of age.

    Infant botulism is a rare but very serious disease affecting the nervous system of infants. Honey and other raw agricultural products may contain bacterial spores from Clostridium botulinum that could cause infant botulism. These bacterial spores are widely distributed in nature. They can be found in soil, dust, the air or raw agricultural products. 

  • How should I store honey?


    Honey is best kept in a sealed container at room temperature. 


  • What is the shelf life of honey?


    Honey does not spoil. 


  • Does honey change as it ages?


    Honey darkens with age and becomes a bit stronger in flavor. However, it will never spoil.


  • Does honey spoil?


    Honey will keep indefinitely if stored in a sealed container. It is best stored at room temperature. Refrigeration promotes granulation.


  • Why shouldn’t I microwave honey?


    Many of our honey containers are made of PET (polyethylene terephthalate), a clear plastic that allows the consumer to see the honey before purchase. One of its characteristics, however, is warping at near boiling temperatures. Also, some of our labels are a foil and paper material. The foil, like metal cooking utensils, does create excessive heat problems in a microwave.

    Also, honey, being a thick, viscous liquid, does not heat evenly in a microwave. Hotspots may develop that may lead to a sudden boil that spatters the hot contents. Such hotspots are also hot enough to degrade the flavor and color of this premium honey.


  • What is honey granulation (crystallization or sugaring)?


    A big misconception is that, when honey crystallizes, it has gone bad. Not true. Honey does not spoil. In fact, it’s actually a sign of real, quality honey.

    Granulation is a natural characteristic of pure honey, which does not harm it or indicate any deterioration of the honey. It is also easily reversed, without harming the honey. Bring a pan of water to a boil, turn off the heat and place the container into this boiling water. Leave until both have cooled.

    If you want to prevent granulation, try this.

  • How do I turn crystallized honey back into a liquid?


    If your honey has crystallized, you can make it smooth and golden once again. Simply heat a pan of water on your stovetop to near boiling. Remove the pan from the stove and place your honey package inside. Be sure to take the lid off your jar before placing it in the warm water. This gentle transfer of heat to the honey helps bring it back to liquid form without overheating the honey.


  • Why are there foam air bubbles on the surface of my honey?


    As we pump and fill bottles, air is unavoidably mixed into the honey. Honey, being a viscous solution, has a tendency to trap this air. After the filling step, this air will slowly rise to the top of the honey bottle leaving a white ring of foam. The larger the container, the more foam present. The foam gradually dissipates as the entrapped air bubbles burst.

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